A speech for American Legion Memorial Day ceremonies

Last year for Memorial Day the coronavirus pandemic altered, yet didn't stop, how the American Legion Family honored the more than 1 million men and women who have lost their lives defending America since the Revolutionary War. American Legion posts continued to honor the day safely through socially distanced parades, virtual ceremonies and drive-by events.

As Memorial Day plans get underway by American Legion Family members with safety measures in place as the pandemic is still ongoing, an American Legion Memorial Day speech for 2021 is available. American Legion departments, districts and post can use the speech for their Memorial Day event – whether it’s in person, through online virtual communication or an email – to pay tribute to the sacrifices made by men and women in the armed forces.

The speech is available here.

The American Legion National Headquarters want to know how your post is commemorating Memorial Day this year, whether in a traditional manner or an adapted one. Please email sbrooks@legion.org or place your plans on Legiontown.org so we can share them in our media in advance of the day and plan potential coverage. And don’t forget to share your efforts afterward on Legiontown.