Media Protocol ICO (MPT)

Media Protocol

"MEDIA Protocol is a smart contract that turns any URL into a blockchain wallet where funds can be distributed to consumers based on how they interact with the content URL. This creates a new Audience Economy based on the value of each participant’s contribution to the success of a piece of content in their network. Benefits to Customers • Participate in a transparent economy around the content that you interact with • Exchange your interactions for frictionless access to better content • Incentivise industry actors to create better content by giving them access to your data Benefits to Brands • Activate the networks you care about for effective content distribution • Understand how to build more engaging content for audiences through better understanding of their interactions • Become a trusted partner in a content ecosystem, where you partner with tribes and the audiences you care about Implementation: MEDIA Protocol will provide early adopters with the technology and support to implement projects: • Advice on best practice support • Access to the Publisher Portal for interaction with the smart contract • SDK for seamless integration across your network of sites and applications • Access to Hybrid and Tracking Servers, and Recommendation Engines to quickly create impact See it in Action: Download CryptoCatnip from the App Store (code: cc2018) CryptoCatnip is a crypto news aggregator app using Media Protocol. It allows you to quickly browse the latest crypto news while collecting MEDIA tokens."

Media Protocol Use of Token

MPT tokens are utility tokens used as payment for promoting content on the network.



Coin type


Max cap

Max supply

Media Protocol Team Members

Thomas Graham

Martin Adams

Mark White

Media Protocol Advisors

Kate Cox

Andy Tian

Dominique Delport

Media Protocol Past Events

Idea & Research.

Whitepaper, Smart Contract, Development

Business Paper, Security & Audits, App Launch, ICO Private Sale, Test Net Launch

Main Net Launch, ICO Public Sale, Publisher Platform

Advanced Analytics, SDK/API Integration.

Publisher Portal analytics layer, Dedicated MEDIA Protocol TestNet

Mobile SDKs Testing

Mobile SDKs to launch

Launch of OEM integration programme

MEDIA Protocol v. 2 Launch

Official website

Official social media:

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